Do you know her? American man robbed by pretty Kenyan woman, offers N631k for her arrest

Edward Adams Forrester, an American citizen claims that a Kenyan woman stole $3400 (N1 million) from him and his ID and is claiming that he will give a $2000 (N631k) reward for any information.

He uploaded a photo of the culprit, Njeri Kamau, to social media asking if anybody knew her. In the post he claimed that Njeri took his wallet and vanished. Inside his wallet were $3400 (N1 million) in cash and all his documents.

Forrester claims that he only wants the documents back and asks anyone that is acquainted with Njeri to ask her to return his papers to him. He is offering $2000 (N631k) for the person that can get the message across to the thief.

Forrester’s original post reads:

“This lady by the name Njeri Kamau run away with my wallet contain NY social number,DL job, IDs and amount $3400(N1million) ,If you know her tell her to keep the money and return my documents.A reward of $2000(N631k) for any information leading to arrest,”

It is not clear how Njeri stole the money from the American citizen, but most readers can easily guess how things probably happened.


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